
How The Art Of Tidying Up Can Help You Fall In Love With Your Home Again

Is your home beginning to look drab and unappealing? If so, it may be time to consider home improvement. After years of living in the same space, the décor, furniture, bathroom fixtures, paint, and flooring begin to look outdated. Once you and your home have reached the point of no return, it will be time to take matters into your own hands. A renovation may be exactly what your home needs. Learn more about cost-effective and time-efficient updates for single- and multi-story homes.

A Warm, Cozy Environment

Shot of a young woman cleaning her living room

When you walk into your home after a long, hard day at work, what do you want to see? If you are like most owners, you want to be met with warmth and coziness upon entering your home. Is this too much to ask for when you work hard to pay your mortgage each month? If you want a warm, cozy home environment, why can’t you have it? You should and can with a few minor updates.

A new coat of wall paint will do wonders for your home environment. Yellow, gold, and red add warmth in rooms that need it most. Warm colors, combined with new drapery and upholstery with the same tones will create the perfect cozy environment for every member of the household.

Interior designers recommend yellow, gold, and red fabrics, such as wool, velvet, and yarn blends.

Install More Lighting Fixtures

Soft lighting adds warmth while bright white lighting is harsh and uninviting. There is just something special about walking into a room with soft lighting. Even more so than a room with hard lighting. While the sun is always the best source of natural lighting, it can easily be replicated with soft lights.

Unlike the warmth from soft lighting, bright lights create an environment that makes one want to run. Home interiors suggest 2,700-Kelvin light bulbs for bedrooms, dens, living rooms, and family rooms. Bright lights are more suitable for kitchens, bathrooms, home offices, and studies.

Ambient lighting creates only minor glare, compared to the harsh glare related to bright lighting.

Furniture Rearrangement

An update as simple as a furniture rearrangement will do wonders for your home. Home designers recommend at least bi-annual furniture rearrangement to keep the home environment looking refreshed. When rearranging the furniture in each room of your home, a thorough cleaning is in store.

Rearrange the furniture by placing each piece carefully to avoid it looking out of place. If your rooms are small, you can swap places with two pieces of furniture, such as an armoire and dresser. Move the dresser out of the way, replace it with the armoire, and vice versa.

Thorough Cleaning

You can clean until your heart is content and still miss cobwebs, dust, and debris unless you clean underneath each piece of furniture. Disinfectants, odor neutralizers, and mild cleansers are great for home cleaning projects. First, start with a wall-to-wall vacuuming, followed by a thorough dusting.

Go From Clutter To Organized In A Few Steps

There is nothing more unappealing than clutter. When there are too many pieces of furniture and décor crammed into a small room, where are your guests supposed to sit? It is unfortunate when people overcrowd the most important rooms in their home with too many pieces of furniture, wall art, decorations, and other accessories.

What do you think visitors are saying to themselves when they walk into your home? Do you believe they are taken aback by your home design skills? Or could it be, your visitors are taken aback by all the clutter and overcrowding? Their reaction is most likely related to the latter.

Do not give up because all is not lost yet. Starting with the room your visitors enter when accessing your home, remove all the furniture, decorations, and wall art except for a few pieces. Organize the remaining pieces to ensure everything looks coordinated, neat, and tidy

You can fall in love with your house again by making small yet impactful changes. Start by decluttering to create a more open and calming space, refreshing the decor with new colors or textures, or adding personal touches like artwork or family photos. Rearranging furniture or dedicating time to deep cleaning can also make your home feel fresh and inviting.

To reconnect with your home, focus on what makes it special to you. Try creating cozy spaces, like a reading nook or relaxing corner. Add greenery with indoor plants or update worn-out areas like flooring or paint. Sometimes, tackling neglected projects or simply appreciating the memories your home holds can rekindle that connection.

People often fall in love with a house because of its unique character, functionality, or how it meets their needs. Natural light, a welcoming layout, comfortable spaces, and personal touches like gardens or decorative accents often contribute to that special feeling of home. Emotional connections, like the memories tied to a place, also play a significant role.

Loving your home starts with embracing its imperfections and making it a space that reflects your personality. Keep it organized, maintain a clean environment, and add elements that bring you joy, like scents, colors, or decor. Taking care of your home and spending quality time in it helps you build a deeper appreciation for your space.

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